суббота, 6 февраля 2016 г.


(6 / 19 JULY)
During the tenure of Archimandrite Elisha Pletenetsky as an abbot of the Cave Lavra, a virgin reposed in Kiev and they wanted to bury her at the Cave Monastery. The monks began to dig a grave near the Church of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, in front of the chapel of St John the Forerunner. Here the diggers unexpectedly found the honourable relics of the Holy, God—pleasing princess, Juliana, who had rested uncorrupted. The deceased lay as if she were alive and sleeping. Her body was nice and white. She lay near the church wall with her head to the south and feet to the north. There was a stone over her coffin with the inscribed arms of the Olshansky. On the coffin itself, there was a silver gold-plated plaque with the arms and the inscription: ‘Juliana, Princess Olshanskaya, daughter of Prince Gregory Olshansky, reposed a virgin in the 16th year from her birth.’
All her clothing looked completely new as if no one had touched it. These sacred relics were placed in the Cave church.

Some time passed and during the tenure of Peter Mohila as Metropolitan of Kiev and the abbot of Caves, he had a vision of the Holy, God-pleasing Princess Juliana, who upbraided him for the carelessness shown to her sacred relics and for the lack of reverence to them. Then, the pastor ordered skilled and pious nuns-virgins to prepare a worthy covering for the sacred relics. He also had a new casket made for them. They were solemnly carried over to the new place. Metropolitan Peter served a festive prayer service with thanks to God and the Theotokos and the holy fathers of the Caves for uncovering of the honourable relics of the holy virgin. From that time, the relics have helped everyone who comes to them with piety and faith in Christ. There have been many miracles recorded.

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