четверг, 4 февраля 2016 г.


(15 / 28 MAY)
Blessed Isaiah was born in Rus’, in the region of Kiev, to noble and Christ-loving parents; thus, he received Christian education. In his youth, Isaiah grew in love for Christ. He desired to leave all worldly temptations and become a monk, so he went to St Theodosius at the Cave Monastery. St Theodosius foresaw Isaiah’s future struggles in monastic life. Thus, he tonsured him. From that time, Isaiah had led a very strict ascetic life. Other monks amazed at him and grew to love the young brother. He was meek, humble, obedient, non-acquisitive and full of brotherly love, and manifested an angelic life on earth. Through restraint and patience, he weeded out carnal passions and vices from his soul. Basing his life on the virtues of Wisdom, truth, valour and chastity, he ascended toward heavenly Jerusalem revealing the attributes of heavenly citizenship.
Word of his virtues spread fast for, A city set upon a hill cannot be hid (Mt. 5, 14). Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavovich heard of St Isaiah’s life and petitioned St Theodosius to bless Isaiah to succeed Barlaam as an abbot of the Monastery of St Demetrius the Great Martyr, built by the prince. The blessed did not wish to disobey his elder, St Theodosius, so he accepted the high rank. He was a wise teacher for the brethren and proved to be a good pastor for the rational flock entrusted to him by God. Having obtained such a high position, St Isaiah did not change his attention to himself or his work toward God. He kept his thoughts upon the Lord and, even as an abbot, he continued to live in humility and physical toil. He was a true model for other monks, for he himself fulfilled everything that he taught others. Prince Izyaslav rejoiced at seeing such a holy person as the abbot of the monastery he had founded; he thanked God and St Theodosius for the mercy.
The Lord chose to glorify His saint even more, honouring him with the Episcopal rank. After the repose of blessed Leontius, Bishop of Rostov, St Isaiah was elected to succeed him. When Isaiah arrived in Rostov, he found many newly baptized people there, who had not been affirmed in the faith yet. Isaiah began his fruitful activity teaching his flock to be firm in the faith and to Imitate Christ in their lives (Gal. 3, 27). He taught, As many as have been baptized in Christ have been clothed in Christ; for the sake of this,  you must follow Christ and His teaching in everything, so that His name be glorified and not blasphemed.
St Isaiah visited all towns of Rostov-Suzdal diocese converting pagans to Christ and teaching them to believe in Holy consubstantial Trinity in Orthodox tradition. He baptized those who wished to adopt Christianity in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Many of those who resisted the faith were converted by the witness of his miracles and healings. The saint was known for his compassion to the poor, orphans and widows. His flock rejoiced and glorified God for having sent them such a good father and teacher.
Kiev Metropolitan John wanted to get together many bishops for the consecration of the Dormition Church at the Cave Monastery (during the reign of Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich). Due to long distances, however, he was unable to gather all bishops and was very upset about that. However, God’s angels appeared to many bishops living far from the Cave Monastery and informed them of the consecration. The angels appeared to St Isaiah as well and he hastened for the consecration of the Cave church. St Isaiah himself told the Metropolitan of the miracles with the angels. When he returned to Rostov, all the clergy and a multitude of people came out of the city to meet him with joy. After that, St Isaiah spent another year at Rostov cathedra and ended his earthly life in good confession in 1190. Thus, the angels carried his soul to heavens, to eternity, where may we all be brought by prayers of St Isaiah, by the grace of God unto the ages of ages. Amen!

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