четверг, 4 февраля 2016 г.


(27 APRIL/10 MAY)
When St Theodosius reposed, the Blessed Stephen accepted the abbacy of the holy Cave Monastery. He was a great ascetic and worked with a special zeal on building of the Lavra church. St Theodosius had begun the construction with God’s direction. Stephen also toiled over the new monastery construction. By God’s grace and Sts Anthony and Theodosius’ prayers, Abbot Stephen built the church, completed the wall around the new monastery, and moved the brothers from the old premises there. The old caves were left in the care of a few remaining monks and set aside for the burial of the brethren. God’s divine grace guarded the monastery and provided everything necessary for the monks.
The hater of good, the devil, who always struggles with God’s servants, envied such a strong God’s care for the monastery. He rose up with his snares and created disturbances among some of the brothers. The troubles became so unbearable, that St Stephen was not only removed from the abbacy, but he was even cut off from the life of the monastery. Nevertheless, St Stephen endured the sorrows without any malice or bitterness, and he never weakened in his love for those who he was separated from. He diligently prayed God for them imitating the first martyr Stephen who said of his Slayers, ‘Oh Lord, do not hold this sin against them’ (Acts. 7, 60).
Stephen’s love was strong, like that of St Theodosius’. Being banished from his monastery, he was attracted to it like iron to a magnet. When the saint’s spiritual children (some of them were boyars and wealthy people) learned of his grieves and sorrows they were moved with compassion for him. They strove to show kindness to the saint and willingly provided for his needs.
At that time, with God’s help and Sts Anthony and Theodosius’ intercessions, St Stephen began building another monastery on the Klov hills not far from the Caves. He erected a stone church in memory of the Deposition of Precious Theotokos’ Robe in Vlakhernae (recalling the miracle which he had witnessed when builders had come from Constantinople to Sts Anthony and Theodosius with an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos).
The saint gathered numerous brethren in the newly built monastery. He led a God-pleasing life there. The new monastery strictly followed the Kiev Cave Rules. Under the guidance of St Stephen’s, the monks strengthened in their ascetic life and followed their abbot’s example. The fame of the saint reached remote countries.
Upon the repose of the bishop of the city of Vladimir, the saint was elected to the cathedrae of Vladimir. John, the Metropolitan of Kiev, consecrated him. In this high rank, he zealously guarded the flock entrusted to him by God. He was a model to his rational flock in his spiritual life, word, love, faith, and purity. At that time, by God’s plan and the unanimous desire of Abbot John and the Cave brethren, they were preparing to transfer the relics of St Theodosius from the caves to the church. Stephen came to his monastery at Klov from Vladimir. On arrival, he looked toward the Cave Monastery and saw great illumination, radiating over the caves. St Stephen concluded that the relics of St Theodosius were being carried over at that time without him. He mounted his horse and rushed to the Cave Monastery accompanied by Clement, the abbot of the Klov Monastery. On his way, he had a vision of a multitude of candles coming out of the caves. However, when he drew nearer he saw nothing. Wondering at that, St Stephen discovered that the brothers had only brought the holy relics from the grave and placed them at the cave entrance. He understood that God vouchsafed him to witness the light of Divine Glory from the honourable relics of St Theodosius.
The next day, the blessed Stephen and other bishops served the transfer of the honourable relics of St Theodosius, their father and teacher.
St Stephen returned to Vladimir where he continued acquiring virtues for the benefit of his flock. After many years of life, the prelate of Vladimir departed to Christ, the Good Sheppard, and acquired an unfading crown of glory from Him. The blessed Stephen reposed in 1094.
By prayers of the holy crown-bearer Stephen may Jesus Christ reward us a crown of glory in the eternal kingdom of His Unoriginate Father and His Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen!

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