среда, 29 марта 2017 г.

Appearance of The Lord Jesus Christ in the village of Demidov in Kiev region (the word of the Lord about the antichrist). part 1

The appearance of the Saviour our Lord Jesus Christ in 1926 (according to another notebook in 1925) July 30, at 8 a.m., near Kiev, between the villages of Demidov and Glebovka two boys: Nicholas boy of 11 years (Nikolai Maksimovich Kuprienko) and 14 years Emelyan (Emelyan Ivanovich Feshchenko).
The week before, on 24 July, on the night of Sunday, Saviour appeared in a dream to Emelyan and said, "You will see Me in reality with another boy. See for yourself, that you were not afraid!" Thus He blessed him with both hands as a bishop and, turning to the East, became invisible. Emelyan started praying in the dream, but he was awakened by the owner.
A week later, on July 30, these boys took the cattle to pasture once, before the other shepherds and were surprised that. They were two miles from the village. It was 8 o'clock in the morning. They had breakfast, and began to disperse among themselves for a few steps, suddenly lightning heavily flashed and forced them to stop. Emelyan thought it was him in the eyes appeared, and said bewildered: "What it will be so much lightning flashed?" And Nicholas says: "It will Probably be raining! But Emelyan mind: "Where will the rain come when there are no clouds in the sky and no wind?" This Nicholas replied: "Then who knows what will happen."
After this conversation in a few moments, suddenly from the West seemed the sky to become pink, and among them appeared a majestic Cross, shining like the sun. To the sky a Cross of four arshin *, a width of as a person fit, to land a Cross did not reach two arshin, beneath it stretched clouds and the base of it was hidden in the clouds. On the upper background Cross appeared person standing as if on the cross. First Cross with a man appeared in the distance, and then in a flash close to the boys.
Nicholas, seeing the approach of shining light lightning cross, he was afraid and said to Emelyan: "Run, because impure! (it means evil spirit)", - and ran away, but the Lord immediately stopped them, saying: "No, I'm pure. Children, do not fear Me and do not go away, I am Jesus, your Lord God, the Saviour of the world, the Son of the Living God living in heaven, I came to tell you My orders." The boys stopped. The Saviour was in that light and indescribable beauty of that Divine face It was impossible to see. It shone stronger than the sun and whiter than snow, His power unfathomable, and from It came the power of grace and the fragrance of heaven. When the Saviour spoke, from His mouth came a flame of fire, His voice was heard in the entire universe, His underwear robe was pink, top bright blue, thrown over the left shoulder under the right arm. In his left hand down at the breast He was holding the open Gospel and his right to bless the children and all the while was holding his hand to bless. His golden hair stretches for the shoulders, and He has a small beard. Above the Saviour's head triangle was visible as the letter "A", shining with a fiery light. Very bright rainbow was over the triangle, dipping the ends on both sides of the Saviour down to the cloud that supported the Cross. On the top of the rainbow, on the sides of the triangle stood two angels, only the chest was visible, wearing light clothes, across the shoulders on the top belted crosswise with blue orarions. Behind them, top to bottom on both sides of the rainbow a lot of the Cherubs, visible only as a head with wings.
And when the Saviour said, "I'm pure ", He began to speak to the children softly, but so loud, that it seemed audible to the entire universe: "Children, listen to My voice: perish all who fornicate, drunk, blaspheme, smoke a pipe, blaspheme God, rejecting the Cross. They do not were the Cross, they are ashamed of the Cross, Baptists, and other sects, all who use foul language.
And the righteous will rejoice and be glad". Speaking these words, the Saviour looked upon the children, and then fell silent and lowered his gaze down. Then the angels sang in chorus: " Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal". The words "Holy God," sang the angelic choir right, the words " Immortal " sang all together, sang well, that can't be expressed.
When the angels finished singing, the Saviour turned His Holy gaze on the children and began to speak: "Children, a lot of people in the world, but not all of them are Mine, I direct them, but they retreated from Me, they are controlled by the unclean spirit, whom fall under voluntarily. In My cathedral two coup, the priests coup leaders lead people to destruction, but the righteous priests lead in the Kingdom of God.
Then the Saviour said, "Children, can you see me? Look good on Me, so My image was in your memory, but to remember, your family to the seventh generation. Go to My priest and tell him to serve the night service and Liturgy!"
Here the angels sang: "My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour". And "Secretly forming" singing; and "we praise Thee, we thank Thee, Lord," and the angels sang a lot of songs.
Then again the heavens unfolded, and the Lord again with His Heavenly Powers said, "Woe be to the bishops of the Ukrainians, the revivalists, they will not be forgiven, but it will be a forgiveness to the laity, if they will repent, but the clergy will not forgive. But will punish severely because they joined heretics and began to rend the divine robe  on Me – My Holy Apostolic Church!
Before the antichrist I will send My angels from heaven that will seal My servants with My own seal. Who will have the Fear of God on his brow! You look at me better, not to be mistaken, do not be deceived and would not have signed in obedience to the antichrist. He despised will work wonders so cleverly and skillfully through the magic and tricks that this will not be noticeable for this world. Appears in this appearance as I come to you, but he is afraid of the Cross and will raise up persecution on the Cross.
You kids, you preach what I told you. Don't be afraid of anyone, although you will be persecuted, put in prison. Do not fear, pass on to the world, from one to another – such will be the reward in My Kingdom, that the world was all warned and will not be lured swayed by the deceiver. In advance I warn the world that the deceiver will come.
With such a trick will work wonders, that would move the lights from the heaven and all will be frightened, will fly through the air like a bird. First, he will be peace-loving, will stand up for the poor, will help the weak, he will be giving an abundant help, and by this he will deceive those who believe in God. Everyone will love him and obey, and believe him, but this will be allowed by God as an ordeals for a short time. You convince the world, as far as possible, not to take any seals, did not sign.
With the advent of the antichrist there will come a time that they will ask for death, and will not find it, in the case of crop failure there will be a famine. The bread and all the goods will be in his hands, without his seal anything will not be issued to anybody. For the sins of the world and retreat from Me will close the sky for three years will not give rain on the land, and it will be so hot that the springs and rivers will dry up.
People will go round, will run from West to East, look for the harvest, and nowhere will find it: anywhere will be heat and pestilence. The antichrist will issue the order from city to city, from village to village not to pass, not to worn the Cross, not to cross oneself, not to preach the Word of God. Crosses from churches to remove, service in the churches to cease, and to arrange there theatres and other impious (godless) entertainments. Then brother will not love his brother, and will be put to death, and the bloodshed will be among relatives.
Who will endure for My sake - will be saved, but who repudiate Me, will take the seal of antichrist, that I will not forgive neither in this nor in the next life.
You need to be careful; many false Christs will appear that will invite: "Come, we have Christ." Do not believe! The wolves will appear in sheep's clothing, and all of these catchers will go into perdition. The Churches, except Pochayiv, all will be closed. Wishing to live in monasteries will not be allowed, monasteries will be dispersed, - such people let go through, I will intercede for them, for their patience I will clothed them in My garments and in the omnipotence of My Jerusalem!

* arshin (old Russian measure = 71 cm)

I apologize for possible mistakes in grammar, correct spelling or anything else.
Part 2 will be published after further translation

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